

sustainable development; social group; technology; professional training; specialists of the social field


The article emphasizes that the effectiveness of training of future specialists in the social field for sustainable development of social groups is ensured by the development and implementation of appropriate technology. According to the purpose of the research, the technology of future specialists in the social field training for sustainable development of social groups has been substantiated. In the course of the scientific research the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, systematization, design and modeling. It has been proved in the study that such technology is a set of interrelated stages (professional-motivational, cognitiveideological, creativity and activity-oriented, reflexive and self-creativity-oriented) and corresponding to these stages means which ensure formation of future specialists’ readiness (in a unity of its motivational-axiological, competence-creative and personal-reflexive) to activities in the context of sustainable development. The proposed technology is implemented in different types of activities in the process of professional training of future professionals – academic, educational, practical, research, self-education and volunteering, and ensures the integrity of the process of future social teachers and workers professional training – from realizing their mission in promotion sustainable development of the individual, social groups, society as a whole – to gaining the experience of development and implementation of a system of social and pedagogical activities for sustainable development of social groups in the course of practice and volunteer activities. The implementation of this technology is providing optimal activation of motivational-value, cognitive, activity-volitional spheres of future specialists and makes it possible to move from organizing and managing students’ activities by teacher to self-organization and self-management by future specialists of their own activity and development. The results of the experimental work on checking the developed technology have proved its effectiveness – future experts of the social field are at the level of sustainable development and self-development (spiritual and value, personal and social, professional and creative) and purposefully act for sustainable development of representatives of different social groups while studying at the university. The prospects for further research are associated with disclosure of the results of the developed technology implementation in educational process of the university.


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