

junior specialists of nursing, medical colleges, vocational training, Case Method


The article actualizes the problem of updating the vocational training of future junior specialists of nursing in medical colleges that will meet the modern requirements of society for nursing activity. The importance of using new methods of training and pedagogical technologies by medical college lecturers has been argued. Substantiation of the specifics of using effective training methods (for example, Case Study) that will promote updating vocational training of future junior specialists of nursing in medical colleges has been determined as a purpose of article. It has been generalized that improvement of pedagogical skills of medical college lecturers is the basis of education strategy of the development of students vocational training. Systematization of the experience of using innovative pedagogical technologies in junior nursing staff training testified that situational exercises, simulation tasks, master classes are successfully used in medical colleges. The appropriateness of using the Case Method using the description of real or close to reality situations has been argued. Traditional, diagnostic and descriptive types of Cases have been characterized in this work. It has been presented the algorithm of methods of using Case Study that consists of the following stages: preparation of necessary materials; entry of students into the problem; clear instruction for every student’s work; organization of individual and group work; presentation of decisions; discussion of the obtained results; summarizing. To master the methodology of using the Case Study, medical college lecturers are advised to adhere to the algorithm of creating their own «Cases» which involves the implementation of such measures: choice of theme, formulation of clear goals, concrete tasks and problem; selection of materials, description of the «Case», its editing and registration of the final variant. It has been established that the main difficulties for the development of the author’s «Case» is the complexity of collecting material that will meet all the requirements for the methods of its conducting; correlation of the essence of specified topic of certain educational discipline with situational «Case» task; lecturer’s creative approach to the development of «Cases». It has been generalized that in the development of situational tasks of professional direction that form the basis of «Cases», it is necessary to take into account modern requirements for the work of nursing staff, modern values of nursing, taking into account the tendencies to improve the professional activity of nurses in order to increase labour productivity under conditions of insufficient provision with staff resources of the Health Care institutions. The experience of using «Cases» in the vocational training of nursing future junior specialists gives the opportunity to recommend such methodology for widespread use in the medical colleges.


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