

educational aim, goal setting, formation of goals, creation of goals, attainment of goals, competence


In Ukrainian educational area there exists a discrepancy between state requests, which are conditioned by educational tendencies of globalization, and scientific and methodical security of educational institutions. In particular, reorienting towards the competence paradigm of education requires clear definition of the competences that have to become its result, and description of educational aims from the perspective of capability of being precisely examined, i. e. the level of development of the defined competences. Nowadays, this does not have an appropriate scientific and methodical basis. The aim of the article is analysing the global, stage and operative goals of educational preparation, and creation of a model of formation of goals of the educational discipline “Ukrainian language for professional purposes” taking into account the competence paradigm and the activity approach to education. To solve the above problems, a set of methods has been used: scientific abstraction, analysis and systematization of literary sources to find out the level of solving of this problem in the modern scientific area, terminological analysis to show the conceptual apparatus of the research, the methods of visualization and generalization. For the purpose of substantiating the aim of teaching of the Ukrainian language for professional purposes and establishing the interconnection between the levels of goal hierarchy, there have been analysed 10 educational programmes of the first (bachelor’s) degree in the speciality 013 “Primary Education” of higher educational institutions in Ukraine. On the basis of the content analysis of formulation of the aim of educational programmes, the key components of preparation of future specialists of primary education have been pointed out. The matrix of correspondence of the components of the aim of educational programmes at the analysed higher educational institutions has been built. As a result of its horizontal analysis, the most accentuated vectors of formulation of the aim of educational programmes have been highlighted. The vertical analysis of the matrix has provided the opportunity to determine the level of uniqueness of formulation of the aim of the educational programme of each higher educational institution.


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