

model, model of a specialist, training model, stages of implementation, design and technological training, future carpenter


The article presents the definitions for the term “model”. In a broad sense, it is defined as any image (mental or conditional one: the description, diagram, drawing, graph, plan, map, etc.) of an object, process or phenomenon (the “original model”). There have been characterized the requirements for the models: to unambiguously present the relevant objects of study created by nature or man; to be an auxiliary, natural or artificial object that replaces the original in the research process (at a certain stage of the research), which is carried out to obtain the information about the original; to possess the properties of the original that are essential for the given study. The “specialist model” and the “specialist training model” have been singled out. It has been specified, that the model of training is created for the organization of training and is derived from the model of the subject of training. It includes the types of educational and cognitive activities on mastering of certain knowledge, abilities and skills of the activity, the normative provisions (curricula and programs), educational events, and forms of connection with practical activities. It has been pointed out that the task of designers is to create a model of the subject of learning being able to adapt it to the model of training of the subject. In accordance with the system approach, a scheme of model construction has been presented in this research. The three-level model of design and technological training of a carpenter in the surroundings of vocational and technical schools with the goal as a system-forming factor has been substantiated. Well-founded science approaches and principles recognized by pedagogical science ensure the theoretical and methodological integrity of the process under consideration.The basis of the content-technological block is a set of obtained design and technological knowledge (regularities of geometric modeling and functionality of computer graphics software) and acquired skills (technological and design) as a result of studying disciplines “Informatics”, “Information Technology”, “Computer design”, “Technology of joinery”. The stages of organization of the project educational activity as basis for the development of the author’s methodology are determinants of the stages of realization of pedagogical conditions (motivational and personal, cognitive, activity and creative, reflexive and productive).The procedural components of design and technological training and tools for assessing the dynamics of the level of readiness of carpenters-to-be are provided in the process of production training, and depend on the completeness of the implementation of structural and functional relationships defined in the model (result and diagnostic unit).


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