

doctor of philosophy, research and innovation activity, conceptual model, postgraduate student, professional training, higher education


The article presents a conceptual model of training of a future doctor of pilosophy for the research and innovation activity. The relevance of the problem is related to the establishment and development of the third level of higher education in Ukraine, which requires the study of foreign experience and its implementation in the practice of domestic higher education institutions. The proposed model consists of five blocks (the target, informative, organizational, operational and diagnostic) and reflects the three steps of this process. At the theoretical and methodological stage represented in the target block, there have been determined the purpose of the research, normative and methodological frameworks for the process of training a future doctor of philosophy. The substantive-practical stage is featured by the informative, organizational and operational blocks of the model. The informative block reveals the content of the training of postgraduate students for the research and innovation activity, which is formed on the basis of the analysis of modern requirements for scientificpedagogical employees and the constructed profile of a Ph.D., which has been reflected in educational-scientific programs, curricula and individual work plan of a postgraduate student. The organizational block describes the structure, tasks and functions of the innovative educational and scientific environment of the university; the operational block describes the two-component system of training of a Ph.D., where the educational component, along with the traditional-organized learning, includes project-organized learning, as well as additional learning outside the education process. Besides the obligatory work on the thesis research, the scientific component includes other forms and methods of the research and innovation activity at the university as a component of quasi-professional activity of future Ph.Ds. containing measures for the professional development of young scientists. The diagnostic block, which reflects the analytical and productive stage of the research, outlines the criteria, indicators and levels of readiness of the future Ph.D. for the research and innovation activity, outlining methods and tools for their determination. The result of the considered model is the disposition of future Ph.Ds. for the research and innovation activity. A further prospect of the research consists in its testing and experimental verification.


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