

methodological experiment, speech production competence, future pre-service food technologists, self-directed work


The article presents the results of experiment organized to test the effectiveness of the methodology for building pre-service food technologist’s speech production competence in the process of self-directed work. The present research is based on the using of the following methods: studying and analyzing scientific publication on methodological experiment, observing the process of training, conducting methodological experiment, interpreting the results of experiment with the help of the methods of mathematical statistic. The hypothesis, the object, the subject, the task of the experiment, experimental materials, the varied and non-varied values, the experimental phases (organization, realization and dates constatation), the experiment nature (base, natural, opened, vertical-horizontal) are outlined. According to the hypothesis of the experiment the building pre-service food technologist’s speech production competence will be more effective provided by the using of special selected authentical professional oriented video texts, realization of the studying on the base of the professional oriented exercises subsystem, selection of the more optimal variant of studying organization on the stage of preparation. The data of pre-experimental and post- experimental sections are analyzed using the coefficient of the training proposed by V. P. Bespalko. The results of the experimental training using the criterion the Fisher transformation are interpreted. The data of the pre-experimental test declared that students in both experimental groups had the identical low level of speech production competence. The data of the pre-experimental test declared the growth of speech production competence. According to the experiment data one of the methodology variants has been proven to have a higher effect. The experimental testing proves the effectiveness of the methodology for building pre-service food technologist’s speech production competence of future pre-service food technologists as well as the effectiveness of the developed subsystem of exercises.


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