

student, physical education, aesthetic component, comprehensive development, dance exercises


The article describes the effectiveness of dance classes, which lies in the purposeful implementation of integrated use of physical and aesthetic education that “inspires”, ennobles the content and forms of classes, harmonizes the physical and spiritual qualities of children, ensures the development of body beauty, grace, elegance, aesthetic effect of appearance. The content of the aesthetic component of the program of versatile development of 5th grade students in the process of physical education has been substatiated and verified in this research. It includes classical dance, polka, school waltz, cha-cha-cha, jive and basic aerobics. In the content of the program, the following interrelated components have been identified: aesthetic, motional, ethical and gender, as dancing not only brings children aesthetic pleasure, but also helps to develop their creative abilities, desire for self-improvement and spiritual enrichment. During the pedagogical experiment we used the following methodological techniques mainly for the aesthetic component: additional guidelines and signals; exercises in the imagination; self-control and self-assessment of motor actions; aesthetic assessment and self-assessment of the quality of the exercise; demonstration of photos and movies; reproduction of motor actions of rhythmic models heard; alternating tension and muscle relaxation. Their implementation was aimed not only at achieving the maximum possible for a particular student level of mastery of dance exercises and the development of the aesthetic component, but also at the formation of a healthy, comprehensive and harmoniously developed personality of a student. Thematic construction of the series of the lessons allow to form motor actions in the process of aesthetic cognition, gradual enrichment of motor experience of students based on elements of novelty, an integrated approach to learning motor actions and the development of physical qualities. Promoting the generalization of physical qualities, in which the education of one quality is accompanied by the growth of others, that are not specially developed and providing interdisciplinary links. The importance and significance of choreography classes is explained by the fact that dance by its nature is a synthetic art form that combines spiritual-cultural and physical-cultural components, the harmony of which ensures the diverse development of children. The conducted pedagogical experiment confirmed the positive influence of dancing on the development of the aesthetic component, scientifically substantiated that dancing is a particularly effective means of multifaceted positive influence on the education of young people, which allows to recommend it for widespread implementation of physical education.


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