

quality of education, strategic educational management, risk management in a medical education institution


The article substantiates the scientific necessity of the strategic management implementation in medical colleges to improve the quality of educational activities and the level of competitiveness in the educational services market. The purpose of the article is to consider the features of strategic management in a medical college, and to characterize the regulatory framework, mission, policies, goals, as well as the role of the analysis of external and internal risks to ensure the quality of the educational process. In the course of the study, the availability of basic legislative and constituent documents guiding medical colleges was analyzed. It identified the key of internal and external regulations governing the educational activities in the establishment of medical education. The procedure of strategic activity has been defined, and the sequence of main management functions of the medical education institution has been determined. The necessity of improving the management of the institution and the formation of quality management system in a medical college according to ISO 9001 standards was noted. The emphasis is on the formation of policies, missions, and strategic areas of activity. The key positions on realization of strategic planning of educational, scientific, and innovative activity, development of personnel potential, international educational integration, maintenance of quality management have been presented. The examples of external and internal risk assessment in a medical college, methods of response, preventive measures, corrective management actions have been provided in this research. The risk assessment in a medical college must be done taking into account the admission of applicants for medical education, considering the educational needs of stakeholders to ensure quality, the life cycle of the institution (educational, scientific, practical, methodological, educational, international activities), and the effectiveness of providing educational medical services through the formation of competencies and value orientations of graduates, as well as their competitiveness in the labor market in the field of health care.The conclusion has been drawn that the introduction of strategic leading in the management activities of the medical college should be considered the basis for the implementation of long-term plans for successful development, which will improve the quality of educational activities and the level of training medical personnel for the healthcare industry.


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