



V. N. Sinev, intellectually disabled students, special education school, pedagogical correction, intellectual disabilities, cause-and-effect relatioships, logical thinking, geography lesson


On the basis of historical experience V. Sinyov clearly explained the main purpose of special education schools: pedagogical correction of intellectual disabilities inherent to intellectually disabled students in order to develop their mental activity and social integration. Pedagogical correction of students’ intellectual disabilities is recognized as the main task of special education schools. V. Sinyov’s research is focused on special education students’ intellectual development. Firstly, the researcher identified and thoroughly characterized the principal directions of such work accentuating main tasks of special education schools such as students’ intellectual development and correction of disabilities, which enabled him, using solid schientific base, address the problem of students’ intellectual disabilities correction. Having analysed the potential of geography lessons for development of students’ logical thinking, V.Synev directed his research efforts into forming their cause-and- effect resationships as a base for acquiring new knowledge and skills not only in geography lessons but in the process of learning other subjects. The researcher has shown that cause-and-effect relationships in intellectually disabled children are created with considerable difficulty due to the weakening of the locking function of the cortex, which causes the slowness and instability of conditional relationships. He highlighted the stages of bringing students to discover cause-and-effect relationships. Considering the peculiarities of corrective work in geography lessons, he advised to create clear and adequate concepts for students, to use instructional techniques that provide the ability to disclose cause and effect creating situations in which the student may understand that he answered incorrectly and realize a contradiction between thought and reality. The researcher singled out the correctional orientation of teaching and upbringing of students of the senior classes of the special education schools as the most actual task of the methodology, proved the corrective influence of teaching on the course of the students' development. The pedagogical correction is realized due to correction functions, techniques of educational process in special education schools, the essence of which lies in the systematic influence on the content, activity, personal components of the intellectual development of students on the basis of activation and formation of their logical thinking. The researcher considers the ability to understand as the main indicator of the intellectual development of the students of special education schools and allocates the index of the students' understanding of the educational material: the ability to think up and ask questions. V. Sinyov considers the educational integration of persons with disabilities in intellectual and physical development as an important direction of the modern special education research and practice, points out the pedagogy of educational integration. At the same time, he indicates the condition of successful self-realization and socialization in society: the greatest possible independence and readiness for personal and socially significant activity.


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