



anthropocentric pedagogy, psycho-physiology, vocal pedagogy, non-formal specialized music education, adolescence, mutation, pop vocal


The research regards the questions of the organization of pedagogical interaction with high school students of non-formal specialized art institutions in terms of anthropocentric vocal pedagogy. It outlines two main problems of vocal work with adolescent pop-singers, firstly, the changes occurring in the voice of vocalists and the inability to control them by high school students and, secondly, the necessity to correct the wrong sound qualities acquired before starting training. This article is based on the modern view on the voice mutation like a vocal instrument developed and improved actively. It presents the results of studies dedicated to characterising the psycho-physiological processes of the puberty period. An attention is paid to physiological transformations of the vocal folds and the configuration of the larynx from birth to the end of the transitional period and to descriptions of main characteristic features of various stages of mutation. It emphasizes two main antagonistic periods of changes in the vocal apparatus which are characterized by short-term improvement of the voice in the pre-mutation period and complete or partial inability to control the vocal apparatus in the active phase of the mutation. The peculiarities of mutation period for boys and girls are defined.  The article also outlines the main features of the mental processes of the puberty period from the prespective of thinking and personality formation and relevant to them transformations of mental states from self non-acceptance, doubts, imbalance, etc. to self-determination. Highlighting it, it is thought to be important to inform students about the changes in their body and mind in advance, so that they could have time to realize and get psychologically prepared for these changes and at the same time to draw the parents’ attention to the processes that take place in their child’s body. Above mentioned positions actualize the introduction of the new adaptive methods of vocal work and elements of psycho-correction in the process of interaction with teenage vocalists and their parents. It has some recommendations on the organization of the training process that are not widely used by Ukrainian vocal teachers at the moment.


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