



future psychologists, future psychologists’ readiness to work with adolescents susceptible to deviant behavior, motivational-value component of readiness, motivations, value orientations


The article is dedicated to analyzing a motivational-value element of future psychologists’ readiness to work with the adolescents susceptible to deviant behavior. It is mentioned that future psychologists’ readiness to work with adolescents susceptible to deviant behavior should be understood as systematic personal formation, formed during the study at the University, which guarantees the competence of the future specialist. The effectiveness of preventive work with adolescents susceptible to deviant behavior depends on a psychologist’s motivations.  It was established that the majority of the research scientists assign a leading role of motivation to professional activity in the formation of the future specialist. Because the latter assists the formation of future psychologists’ professional thinking, ensures firm career orientation and formation of significant professional qualities. The theoretical analysis of motivation’s role and professional values within a future psychologists’ readiness to work with the adolescents susceptible to deviant behavior was done. It was found that values and value orientations of future psychologists are the sense basis which determines the direction of future psychologists’ motives to work with adolescents-deviants.   The content and the functions of motivational-value component within a future psychologists’ readiness to professional activity in the specified orientation. It was proved that motivational-value component directs future psychologists to work with the adolescents susceptible to deviant behavior, stipulating motivation to interact with them. The indicators of motivational-value component formation were determined: motives of choosing such career as psychologist, that works with the adolescents susceptible to deviant behavior, value orientations of future psychologists about professional activity with such category of adolescents. The questionnaire for research of motivational-value component formation of future psychologists’ readiness to work with the adolescents susceptible to deviant behavior was offered. The state of motivational-value component formation of future psychologists’ readiness to work with the adolescents susceptible to deviant behavior was presented in research results. Different motivational-value component’s formations of future psychologists’ readiness to work with the adolescents-deviants were marked out: high, medium and low. It was established that the majority has not enough level of motivational-value component formation for effective professional activity of future specialists in specified direction.


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