



social activity, social interaction, social communication, social responsibility, social self-realization of a personality, specialist in the socionomic profession, professional educat


The article considers modern approaches to studying the processes of socialization of the modern specialist in the socionomic profession through the prism of the social activity category as a qualitative characteristic of the pro-social personality orientation and a significant result of the development of the personality social qualities. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of social activity are analyzed, based on a number of concepts of modern socio-humanitarian science and implemented on the basis of a theoretical (sociocultural) understanding of the interaction between the subjects of the educational process. The directions of the implementation of tasks to improve the quality of education, the individual determinism of career guidance and high-quality social professional self-realization of a future specialist in the process of higher professional education are determined. The creative potential of applying the category of social activity to the representatives of socio-economic professions is determined. It is the possibility of significantly expanding the spectrum of development of individual and group social activity of the future specialist's personality by involving in the scientific tools of pedagogical education methodological developments of social interaction theory, social communication, social responsibility to the consideration of modern social and vocational educational practices to enhance the role of education processes in social changes.
The need to comprehensively study a wide range of socio-cultural aspects of socialization and professional growth of the individual in the system of modern Ukrainian higher professional education is substantiated in accordance with the tasks and orientations of the field of vocational education and development of a holistic concept of social activity in relation to professionals of socionomic professions on the basis of the personality-orientation of modern vocational education, taking into account the need for a multi-level, constantly updated content of training, education, application of a variety of technologies and sources of information that would allow the future specialist to consciously and actively create their own individual professional, socio-cultural, educational and cultural knowledge base.


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