




social activity, youth, diagnosis, level, component


The issue of civil society development with the participation of various institutes has always interested scientists in political, philosophical and public administration, with the pedagogical aspect in the vast majority of scientific research concerned with a particular institute: either public organizations, youth movement, or volunteer organizations. However, the problem of the youth social activity formation in civil society institutes has not been the subject of research into leading pedagogical intelligence, which has made the relevance and novelty of our research. The purpose of the article is to present the results of diagnosis of the initial state of formation of the youth social activity in accordance with the developed criteria and indicators. In the context of our study, youth social activity is defined as an integrated personal activity of a young person to initiate and realize a socially useful function in the social environment, taking into account the requirements of society and personal values. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the levels of social activity of young people in the motivational-value component showed a low level of interest in social and social life; self-actualization of personality; value orientations; aspiration of self-realization in public activity. Characterization of the initial status of the content-cognitive component of the youth social activity by the level of expression of the criterion «socio-political awareness» showed a low level of socio-political literacy; awareness of the structure and activities of public associations; use of social activity opportunities as tools of self-development. The analysis of the results of diagnostics of the initial state of the social-activity component of social activity of young people by the level of manifestation of the criterion of social competence gave an opportunity to state rather low data on the indicators: the ability to build interpersonal relationships; ability to plan and organize social and social activities; willingness to achieve results of actions; the level of self-organization formation. Describing the level of initial status of the next component of youth social activity – reflexive-evaluation – by the criterion of self-esteem, it is possible to state mainly low and average level of its formation in youth by the indicators: ability to analyze, evaluate the process and result of social activity, ability to self-esteem, degree of satisfaction community activities.


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