



cultural competence, common cultural, sociocultural competence, culturological competence, multicultural competence, cross-cultural competence


Cultural diversity and cultural pluralism are integral components of a competent approach to training a qualified specialist in the modern educational process that allows effective interaction in the process of the cross- and intercultural communication. In this context, active expansion received close in meaning, but different in their essence and purpose concepts, namely: common cultural, sociocultural, culturological, multicultural, cross-cultural and cultural competencies. The article presents a comparative analysis of these terms, taking into account aspects crucial for their differentiation and important for the contextual application. To synthesize the scientific thought of the work, the recent years' sources in the field of competent interrelations of individuals and groups of different cultures were thoroughly analyzed, the said concepts of competence were separated from each other depending on the sphere of application. Each of the competencies identifies the knowledge, skills and experience, as well as the personal characteristics of an individual, the acquisition and development of which are essential for the formation of one or another competence of modern specialist in the light of globalization processes. It should be emphasized that cultural competence comes in the form of meta- competence as a conditionally sufficient measure of socialization and interculturalism of an individual. This allows them to independently understand and freely use at their discretion all the acquired competencies and skills concerning socio-cultural and social, institutional and conventional norms and regulators of behaviour in the process of mobile social communication, including in different languages. Identifying the different aspects of the mentioned competencies will allow us to differentiate the stated terms in the context of the educational process reformation in Ukraine and the qualified training of future specialists. Summarizing the results of the study, the article highlights the distinctive features of competencies, and the meaningful definitions emphasize their essence: Common cultural competence is based on the knowledge of the characteristics of the society culture, implies the possession of communication skills adopted in a particular society and as a key competence includes sociocultural and culturological competencies. Interpersonal interaction with the representatives of another culture reflects a level of intercultural competence, also called "intercultural and communicative competence". Multicultural competence allows finding those behaviours that promote mutual trust and effective interethnic interaction, eliminate intolerant attitude towards people of different skin colour, different language, culture or other values. Cross-Cultural competence implies an awareness of the differences (ideological, ceremonial, cult or traditional ones) inherent in a particular culture.


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