



professional education, aesthetic culture, teacher-philologist, linguistic norms, methods, exercises


The article deals with the actual problem of the modern society – the formation of the linguistic aesthetic culture of the future teacher of Ukrainian language and literature during the acquisition of professional education in the process of studying the subjects of the linguistic cycle. A cultural-language excursion was made on the program material of the course «Modern Ukrainian Literary Language». We focus on the provision of linguistic aesthetic culture has been explored by observing linguistic norms – orthographic, punctuation, orthoepic, accentual, lexical and phraseological, grammatical (morphologic and syntactic), stylistic. Attention is paid to the most current violations of linguistic norms and variants of their correction, in particular: lexical ones, which consist of the use of stylistically unmotivated linguistic variants concerning tautology, pleonasm, verbosity, words used in an intrinsic sense, interference phenomena and words that are not match the depicted era, etc.; phraseological, concerning rules of use of persistent phrases without distortion of their content and grammatical structure for influence on the interlocutor; morphological concerning interlingua interference, non-normative formations that do not correspond to the grammatical categories of genus, number, case, degree, person, time, method, condition, tense. Disorders of noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, adverb and verbal disorders that have the ability to distort the aesthetic culture of Ukrainian verbal and written speech are highlighted and the ways of overcoming them are indicated. Violations of syntactic norms in phrases that are expressed by incorrect forms of matching, non-normative without the preposition control, incorrect control in an atypical combination of a noun and a numeral, non-normative prepositional control when choosing a preposition, the use of one preposition in the meaning of another. The focus is on syntactical errors in simple sentences with incorrect coordination of subject and predicate, violation of the homogeneity of the series, incorrect construction of sentences with participle and adverbial turns; in complex sentences that indicate the detachment of a subordinate signifier from an explanatory word and unmotivated parceling as unjustified sentence breaks. Methods of teaching for the prevention of mistakes are offered, the system of exercises for improvement of linguistic norms with the purpose of formation of linguistic aesthetic culture of the future teacher-philologist is grounded.


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