



model of methodological system, structured block, Ukrainian as a foreign language, foreign student-medic, professionally-communicative competency


The model of methodological system of teaching foreign students of higher medical educational establishments Ukrainian language has been theoretically grounded, in particular, it has been noted that structure is the main feature of any model, namely schematic reproduction of components (aim, content, tasks, approaches, principles, methods, forms, means, technologies of education), which will provide the effective functioning of created model and the achievement of predicted result. It has been indicated that this model consists of four blocs: target, methodological, content-procedural and diagnostic-resultative. The Target block reflects the aim and hierarchy of tasks, it is based on the requests and needs of society, corresponds to educational programs and normative-legal acts, which regulate the process of education of foreigners in Ukraine. The Content-procedural block is directed into formation of professionally-communicative competency of the foreign students-medics and consists of three stages: motivational-target, informative-cognitive and professionally-modeling. The Motivational-target stage provides development of the stable motivation of a foreign student for the achievement of success in professional activity; desire of self-development and self-realization in the future profession; interest to search-exploratory work; desire to master skills of professionally-oriented communication. The aim of the informative-cognitive stage is formation of the system of special and communicative, theoretical and practical knowledge and abilities of a foreign student, which will enable the determination of efficient strategies of the professionally-oriented dialogue conduction and achievement of the desired result. Skills of organization and prognostication of the professionally-communicative activity form at the professionally-modeling stage in a foreign student, as well as the outlining of ways of realization of perspective plan of conduction of communicative actions with the aim of solving professional tasks. Approaches to the research and its principles have been proposed in the methodological block, which define the vectors of realization of the process of teaching foreign students of higher medical educational establishments Ukrainian language. The functions of diagnostic-resultative block – monitoring, control, analysis and correction of the process of education; definition of criteria, indicators and levels of formation of professionally-communicative competency of foreign students-medics, their readiness to conduction of professional activity. It has been established, that the model of the methodological system of teaching Ukrainian language as a foreign one at medical establishments of higher education, that is presented in the reserach, concretizes the process of formation of professionally-communicative competency of a student-medic through synthesis of its structured components, reflects integrity of the phenomenon and appears as means of realization of the educational process.


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