



computer design, furniture design, content of designer’s activity, PRO 100 program environment, model of service value, specialist in woodworking


The article reveals the content of computer design of furniture products as a professional service of intending woodworker. The following methods of design have been characterized: manual, automated and automatic. It is the automated method of design which has been defined to be the main one. Its realization is provided by CAD. The paper presents substantiation of criteria of choice of optimal CAD method as for furniture production. It has been defined, that as future professional service of a woodworker the computer constructing of furniture products carries in itself the essence of designer activity on planning (sometimes creation) of aesthetic and functional things on the basis of unity of artistic, scientific and technical approaches. The content of designer activity on furniture design which lies in functional possibilities of CAD has been studied. Realization of the stages of furniture design has been carried out in the specialized software environment of PRO 100. The computer design of furniture products is to take place in accordance with the following approaches to service development: “office/workshop” approach; “customer as labour force” approach; “flexible labour force” approach. Experimental work was conducted to verify the efficiency of the computer constructing of furniture products as a professional service of a future woodworker. It has been based on the model of value of service, which was estimated in accordance with the perceived quality and time spent on receiving the service. Advantages of the use of software in the process of furniture products design as a professional service of future specialist on woodworking have been defined.


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