



self-management, professional-pedagogical self-improvement, mechanism, activity of primary school teacher


The article analyzes modern approaches to the definition of self-management and self-improvement of the individual, reveals their frequent identification and proposes to distinguish these concepts by the basic nature of actions: management and organization of any human activity (during self-management), and the movement to perfection (in the process of self-improvement). They also point to their common features: autonomy, self-determination, and focus on the subject itself (recorded in the “self-” section). After all, self-improvement is defined as an independent, self-determined activity of a person aimed at improving oneself, and self-management is defined as an independent, self-determined activity of a person aimed at organizing and optimizing any human activity. In the case of self-organization of professional and pedagogical self-improvement, self-management is considered as a mechanism of self-improvement, which consists in the organization of all stages of self-improvement of the teacher-tutor, ensuring their effectiveness through the implementation of productive technologies of self-management. Self-management provides the effectiveness of self-improvement for primary school teachers by optimally managing this activity at its various stages: from diagnosis, goal setting and planning to implementation, control and correction. The basic functions of self-management, which traditionally determine goal setting, planning, decision-making, execution, control and correction, information and communication, fully correspond to the main stages of self-improvement of the teacher-educator, acting as mechanisms for their implementation. The correlation of the stages of self-improvement and the functions of self-management contributes to the awareness of their close interconnection and facilitates the use of basic methods and techniques of self-management due to their attachment to the corresponding stages of self-improvement. Selected specificity of pedagogical activity of primary school teachers, which is a frequent change of topics with the constancy of student and parental composition, is reflected in the peculiarities of their professional self-improvement, and needs to take into account in the process of self-management of this specific elementary school teacher. Thus, professional and pedagogical self-management (self-organization, self-management) we are considered as specific activity of the teacher, based on technologies of efficient use of time and purposeful regulation of behavior and actions, aimed at organizing their own activity in various spheres of life and development, acts as an important mechanism, which ensures the effective organization of all forms and stages of teacher’s work on themselves.


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