



EU, all-European consolidation, professional training of foreign languages teachers in Germany, educational policy, reforms, integration of Ukraine


Simulation of professional training of foreign languages teachers of an up-to-date model in German institutions of higher education in the context of all-European consolidation is analysed in the article. It is mentioned that the development of new approaches to language education and teaching of foreign languages at all educational levels is one of the numerous initiatives of the Council of Europe and European Union (EU). Teacher education and professional foreign languages training in Germany is proved to be a complex, multi-component process aimed at the result: high professional qualification of young teachers and high status of teaching profession in the society. Key components of the efficiency of professional training provided by purposeful state support, consecutive educational policy, considered reforms, which are implemented in German institutions of higher education after the accession to the Bologna process, are distinguished. It is found out that the course of foreign languages educational policy in EU countries concerning the training of foreign languages teacher is oriented on the model “Euroteacher”, which is determined by the Council of Europe and the European Commission. According to the model, it is necessary to keep to the following requirements: mastering three languages of the EU, including the native language;knowledge of native culture and the culture of the country of the targeted language, and a so-called European culture. It will contribute to taking probation and training in the country of the targeted language;intercultural competence will subserve tolerance and achievement of mutual communication with the representatives from other countries in culturally heterogeneous modern society;significance of teaching one subject in a foreign language. Major steps in the mentioned direction are characterized, organizational and content transformations are generalized, activity priorities are analyzed. In the context of integration of domestic education into European educational domain, attention is focused on the necessity of modernization of the system of teacher education in general, and in a foreign language in particular.


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