lyceum students, professional orientation, professional training, educational process of pedagogical lyceum, sports activitiesAbstract
The article defines the content of the professional orientation of lyceum students’ training in a pedagogical lyceum as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon that reflects goal setting and awareness of the purpose and means of personal self-development of lyceum students. The professional orientation is characterized as a system of emotional and value attitudes to educational and sports activities, a hierarchical structure of motives that encourage lyceum students to self-improvement. It has been found that the educational activity of lyceum students is based on the need for cognition, interest as a form of manifestation of the cognitive need, which ensures the orientation of the individual to realize the goals of the activity, mastering knowledge. Interest is a motive for educational and sporting activities that manifests itself in the focus of attention and thoughts and is characterized by emotional appeal. The lyceum student’s personality orientation ensures awareness of the goal as a prerequisite for activity, mobilization of the means by which it is achieved. The student’s orientation is based on the motivational sphere, which is based on the cognitive need. The study summarizes the experience of specialized training of students of the Ternopil Pedagogical Lyceum of Sports Profile, the most important task of which is the comprehensive and harmonious development of sports gifted youth, the education of a generation of people who are able to effectively train and learn throughout life, protect and enhance the values of national culture, develop and strengthen an independent, democratic and legal state as an integral part of the world community; and the program of its comprehensive development includes an innovative approach that ensures the development of sports talent. The effective means and methods of teaching and training in the structures of various types and forms of the educational process (lesson, game lessons, sports lessons, discussion, sports competitions, quiz, conversation, watching sports TV programs) are specified.
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