


methodological approaches, competency-oriented, activity-based, reflection, professional training, natural education


The article discusses the methodological approaches to the professional training of future teachers in the field of natural education, including psychological and pedagogical, competency-oriented, activity-based, integrative, praxeological, and reflexive approaches. The combination of these methodological approaches is justified for the successful preparation of future teachers in the field of natural education. The psychological and pedagogical approach helps in understanding and taking into account the individual characteristics of participants in the educational process. The competency-oriented approach focuses on developing the necessary skills and knowledge of future professionals through the use of tasks that encourage creative thinking. The activity-based approach emphasizes practical application of acquired knowledge in real conditions. The integrative approach promotes active student engagement in the educational process through discussions, innovative technologies, cooperation, and independent work, among other things. It has been found that future teachers who are prepared under an integrative approach enhance their knowledge and pedagogical practices in line with contemporary trends in natural education. Reflection helps education seekers analyze their own activities, identify their strengths and weaknesses, leading to a better understanding of themselves as future teachers. When applying the praxeological approach, students actively participate in learning through practical tasks, laboratory work, field research, projects, and more. This helps them gain practical experience and apply theoretical knowledge in practice as they learn to analyze complex situations and seek optimal solutions. Examples of implementing these methodological approaches in the educational process for the preparation of future teachers in the field of natural education are provided, specifically under the educational programs “Secondary Education (Biology and Human Health)” and “Secondary Education (Natural Sciences)”. It is demonstrated that these methodological approaches help students become competent teachers capable of effectively teaching and enhancing the learning process in the field of natural education in general secondary education institutions, as well as fostering students’ interest in this area of knowledge and more. Success in the training of teachers in natural sciences is determined by the ability of participants in the educational process not only to transmit knowledge but also to inspire and cultivate an interest in science among the younger generation.


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