


competence, information, communication, information and communication competence of primary grade pupils


In the article, based on the analysis of a number of studies by Ukrainian and foreign scientists, the information and communication competence of primary grade pupils is defined as the integrated ability to use information and communication technologies in working with information sources, as well as the ability to communicate effectively in the process of solving personal and socially significant tasks, observing ethics and cyber security in the digital environment. The essence of the concept “information”, “communication”, “competence” is substantiated and defined. We define the concept of “information competence” as an integrated ability to collect, transform and process the necessary information, store and transmit it with the help of objects and information and communication technologies. Based on the selected concept of “communication”, “communication competence” is defined as the integrated ability of a person to establish and maintain contacts with other people. The components of information and communication competence of primary school students are characterized. We attribute the following components to them: information (the ability to effectively work with information sources, which involves searching, processing, analysis, evaluation and critical perception of information; formation of media literacy and perception of reliable information on the Internet), communication (the ability to interact and cooperate with the help of information-communication technologies, following the rules of network etiquette), technological (knowledge and ownership of digital devices and their individual components; ability to work with text and graphic editors, software tools for creating presentations, online services, applications, files and the Internet), activity-practical (ability to create and edit digital content; awareness of the importance copyright and its observance in the process of practical activity). The views of domestic and foreign scientists regarding the essence, content, ways of improving the formation of information and communication competence of primary grade pupils in the course of studying of the subject “Computer Science” course are summarized. The personal experience of the practical implementation of modern innovations in the primary education sector is presented.


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