


public statements, methods, exercises, auxiliary supports, creative tasks


There was highlighted the actual problem of the formation of public speaking of senior students in Ukrainian language lessons, which is determined by the educational needs of society in the development of communication culture. A scientifically based methodical system of training tasks has been developed for the formation of public speaking skills on aspect lessons and the development of coherent speech, as so-called eloquence lessons, taking into account the theoretical foundations of the rhetoric program. Attention is focused on the use of auxiliary supports by students of senior classes as means that contribute to the creation of public speech by students, indicate the content of the statement, provide vocabulary, encourage the production of monologic and dialogic (polylogic) texts. It has been established that in the process of forming public speech of senior students as auxiliary supports can act: a verbally described or natural situation, the content of an artistic work, heard or read, means of art (illustrations, drawings and their series, monuments, obelisks, etc.), a topic offered by a teacher, heard information, the result of observation, the emotional state of the speaker as a result of what he saw or heard, a sample of a ready-made text for production by analogy, the beginning or end of the text, words, phrases, sentences, etc. The main methods of forming public speech are described: theoretical and practical (the method of heuristic conversation, visualization, presentation) and practical (the method of exercises with creative tasks, discussion, dispute, polemic, debate). It is noted that the heuristic conversation method is aimed at repeating the theoretical material on the basis of which tasks are performed; the visualization method is a visual component that contributes to speech creativity; the presentation method performs a verbal and visual function in the speech formation process. Practical methods provide the structure of the text, indicate the need for each component for the logical construction of the content of the statement. It has been proven that the creative tasks of exercises with auxiliary supports as tools for arousing interest in training oral speech communication and achieving communication competence were particularly effective in the production of public statements.


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