facilitation, work algorithm, professional skills, soft skills, case methodAbstract
The work is devoted to the description of the features of the involvement of one of the most effective approaches to the education and development of students – facilitation. It is viewed as an interactive approach to learning, the goal of which is the formation of future specialists’ knowledge, subject competencies and soft skills. During the research, the following general scientific research methods were used: system analysis, synthesis and generalization. The essence of the approach, the requirements for the teacher and students, the stages of facilitation, which include the preparatory part (definition of the goal, selection of methods, timing), the beginning (joint development of the rules of the interactive class, management of the process of goal setting and cascading of goals and tasks, discussion of limitations and criteria, predicting results and risks), the main part (instructions before performing tasks, involving the maximum number of participants) and the conclusion (summing up). Group focus is important for achieving results. The structure and methodology of implementation of the facilitation approach in classes on the discipline “Ukrainian language for professional direction” for students of specialty 291 “International relations, public communications and regional studies” were studied; the advantages of the involvement of the facilitation approach during the study of students for the bachelor’s degree program in higher education institutions are highlighted. However, the specifics of the involvement of the facilitation approach in the range of linguistic disciplines for nonphilology students remains unexplored, which determines the relevance of the presented article. The purpose of our scientific investigation is to highlight the specifics of the involvement of the facilitation approach as an important auxiliary resource during the teaching of the discipline “Ukrainian language for professional direction” for students of the specialty 291 “International relations, public communications, and regional studies”. We conclude that facilitation is emerging as one of the key cutting-edge learning approaches that can be incorporated into any linguistics discipline. On the example of the involvement of a facilitation approach to the work of the discipline “Ukrainian language for professional direction” for students of the specialty “International relations, social communications and regional studies”, we observe that it is possible to involve students in the analysis of various problems, since this approach most vividly embodies the subject-sub object communication. The facilitation approach can be successfully actualized with the help of the case method or STEM education, when the focus is on an important problem to be solved, and the teacher is not a dictator who sets his own conditions, but a friend who accompanies the process of finding a solution among students.
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