


model, professional training, environmental consciousness, future navigators, vocational training, higher education applicant, criteria, indicators


The global environmental crisis has caused irreversible changes in the environment. As a result, there is a need
to search the ways of transforming the values of technological civilization, to review the foundations of consumer
psychology, and to orient the state policy towards ecological guidelines. A separate niche in solving the environmental
problems of society is the training of future navigators, because water transport is a source of pollution of rivers, seas
and the world’s oceans. The relevance of the development of a model for the formation of environmental consciousness
of future navigators is due to the use of an integrated approach in the context of the specified problem, which is able to
provide a deep understanding of environmental problems, awareness of their impact on the marine environment and the
development of ethical values in the context of sustainable development.
The article theoretically substantiates the model of the formation of future navigators’ environmental consciousness.
The model is presented schematically in the form of four blocks: normative-target, theoretical-methodological, proceduralactive
and control-resultative. Each of the blocks includes elements that function in a logical sequence.
The elements of the normative-target block are: regulatory and legal principles of future navigators’ ecological
training, the purpose and tasks of training. The theoretical-methodological block includes scientific approaches (systemic,
activity-based, technological, competence-based, subject-subject), principles of education (the principle of ecological
orientation, the principle of the connection between theory and practice, the principle of interdisciplinarity, the principle
of humanistic-value orientation of the educational process, the principle of matching the professional level of teachers
system of professional environmental training), content of education, and the components (motivational, cognitive,
behavioural and reflexive).
The procedural-active block contains pedagogical conditions for the formation of environmental consciousness,
stages (preparatory, reproductive-practical, creative-practical), teaching forms, methods and means. 


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