


fundamental physical concepts, system of fundamental physical concepts, thermal radiation, photons, electrodynamics, method of formation of fundamental physical concepts


Formation of fundamental physical concepts in technical university students when studying the section “Thermal radiation”. The work examines the formation of fundamental physical concepts among students of technical specialties of universities in the process of studying the section “Heat radiation”. Based on the system of fundamental physical concepts, a method of studying Kirchhoff’s, Stefan-Boltzmann’s, and Wien’s laws was developed and, based on the point of view of classical physics, the Rayleigh-Jeans formula was proven. Essential regularities incompatible with the ideas of classical physics, which led to Planck’s hypothesis that electromagnetic energy is emitted in the form of separate portions (quanta), the size of which is proportional to the radiation frequency, are analyzed. On the basis of fundamental physical concepts, the distribution of oscillations according to the energy value, which is described by Boltzmann’s law, was analyzed, and the average value of radiation energy in the equilibrium state was calculated, an expression for the energy density corresponding to the frequency interval and an expression for the ratio of radiative and absorptive capacity during thermal radiation were obtained. The last two expressions are formulas obtained by M. Planck and provide a comprehensive explanation of equilibrium thermal radiation. This approach is fully justified, because it allows students of technical specialties of universities to form an idea about the discrete character of electromagnetic radiation and its quantum nature when studying the section “Thermal radiation”. The proposed method of studying the section “Thermal radiation” deepens the understanding of the essence of physical processes from the point of view of modern physical theories and methodologies of physical science, allows to develop a method of forming quantum ideas about the nature of electromagnetic radiation in students of technical specialties of universities based on the fundamental physical concepts of symmetry, probability, electromagnetic interaction, photon from the point of view of modern physical theories. The work analyzed the quantum nature of electromagnetic radiation, revealed the meaning of the fundamental concepts “electromagnetic field”, “electromagnetic interaction”, “photon”. A method of forming students’ quantum ideas about the nature of electromagnetic radiation based on the system of fundamental physical concepts of symmetry, relativity, probability, electromagnetic interaction, photon from the point of view of modern physical theories has been developed. The proposed approach to studying the section “Thermal radiation” allows students to qualitatively learn the concepts of “photon” and “electromagnetic field”; explain the discrete nature of electromagnetic radiation; to develop a methodology for studying quantum physics for students of technical specialties of universities based on fundamental physical concepts and principles without logical conflict with the knowledge acquired earlier.


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