


special education specialists, teamwork, partnership, children with special educational needs, inclusive education


At the present stage, inclusive education, which involves the provision of high-quality psychological and pedagogical support to children with special educational needs, is intensively spreading in Ukraine. The success of this task and other tasks set for inclusive education largely depends on the human resources potential, coordinated interaction of all professionals involved in the education of a child with special educational needs, and competence of team interaction. In view of the above, the formation of higher education students’ readiness for teamwork is one of the tasks of professional training in the system of higher pedagogical education. The article is devoted to the problem of forming the readiness of future special education specialists (defectologists) for teamwork as a type of partnership in inclusive education. The purpose of the article is to reveal the expediency of forming the readiness of special education specialists for teamwork in inclusive education, to identify the general level of readiness of bachelors majoring in 016 “Special Education” to implement teamwork in inclusive education of children with special educational needs. The paper analyzes the existing foreign and domestic developments on the research problem. The existing foreign and domestic developments on the research problem are analyzed. The expediency of forming the readiness of these specialists to implement teamwork in the conditions of a general secondary education institution with inclusive education is revealed. The essence of the concepts of “readiness”, “team”, “team interaction” is highlighted. The three-level structure of the psychological and pedagogical support team is presented. The “Questionnaire for determining the state of readiness of future special education specialists for teamwork in inclusive education” was developed. The results of the survey were analyzed. Based on the questionnaires, the general level of readiness of future specialists (defectologists) to work in a team was revealed. The research data showed a sufficient level of readiness of bachelors of full-time and part-time study of specialty 016 “Special Education” of the educational program “Oligophrenopedagogy. Human Health” at Uzhhorod National University for teamwork in inclusive education.


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