


future primary school teachers, information and communication technologies, inclusive educational space, professional competences, professional training


In order to comply with the principles of inclusivity in the modern education system, in the educational and professional programs of institutions of higher pedagogical education in the field 01 “Education/Pedagogy”, professional competences are presented, which are implemented in pedagogical activities in an inclusive educational space and today take into account the current ones due to the COVID pandemic and the introduction of martial law in Ukraine. The professional training of future primary school teachers for the use of information and communication technologies in an inclusive educational space involves mastering technologies aimed at the formation of competencies: the use of Web 2.0 technologies; formation of the ability to implement a team approach in the area of interpersonal interaction, communication, cooperation between members of the Psychological and Pedagogical Support Team; formation of the ability to use didactic opportunities during orientation in the information space; formation of the ability to evaluate the educational results of schoolchildren using modern information, communication and digital technologies, etc. The essence of preparation for the use of information and communication technologies in an inclusive educational space in the experience of the Communal Institution “Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy” of the Kharkiv Regional Council provides for the following areas of work: general, psychological-pedagogical, subject training within the scope of mastering the educational components of the cycle of professional training, which involve mastering the skills of using information and communication technologies in an inclusive educational space. Within the scope of the subject line of work during the study of the educational component “Organizational principles of the activity of a teacher’s assistant in an inclusive class”, students of higher education master the content of the topics: “Planning the work of a teacher’s assistant”, “Didactic and methodical support of the activity of a teacher's assistant for the assimilation of program material by students with special educational needs”, “Algorithm of the activity of a teacher’s assistant: assimilation of knowledge of educational fields by children with special educational needs”, “Information and communication technologies of support inclusive education”, “Differentiation of the process of evaluation of educational results”, “Teaching strategies in institutions with an inclusive form of education”, “Work of a teacher’s assistant with parents of children with special educational needs”, “Implementation of the corrective and developmental component of inclusive education”. The specified topics provide for the formation of skills in the use of various approaches to the organization of the educational process of schoolchildren with special educational needs with the use of information and communication technologies in their own pedagogical activities.


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