



gender, gender approach, gender-equitable environment, educational institution


The article deals with a theoretical and methodological analysis of the organization of a gender-equitable educational environment in the context of foreign and native approaches. The terminology field of the research in the foreign and native scientific literature is determined. The peculiarities of the organization of a gender-equitable environment in the USA, Canada, Germany and the Scandinavian countries are characterized. The common and different features in methodological approaches were identified. The conceptual-categorical apparatus of the research (“Gender Equitable Learning Environment”, “Gender-balanced Education”, “Gender Equality in Education”, “Gender-equitable Education”, “Gender-fair Education”, “Non-discrimination Education”, «Non-sexist Education”, “Human Rights Friendly School”) is given. The progressive ideas of implementation of foreign experience to the native practice organization of a gender-equitable educational environment are highlighted. The author’s interpretation of the concept “gender-equitable environment”, its content and structure (spatial-subject, psychodidactic, social components) are formulated. The gender-equitable environment is creative-developing, health-saving, non-discriminatory and inclusive environment for children, which are relevant to the principles of social justice, gender equality, child-centrism, egalitarianism, non-discriminatory education, and “partnership pedagogy”, gender “matrix” of humanistic pedagogical heritage. The conceptual model of creating a gender-equitable environment on the basis of the integration of competency, personal oriented and gender approaches in the context of reforming the national education is substantiated. The mechanisms of creating an educational environment for children and youth on the basis of “partnership pedagogy” and gender “matrix” of humanistic pedagogical heritage are described.


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