



anglophone strategic competence, future interpreters, consecutive interpreting, interpreting strategies, communicative strategies


The article analyzes the linguodidactic model of the formation process of future interpreters’ anglophone strategic competence. The model consists of four blocks (conceptual-target, content-based, procedural and result-oriented). The conceptual-target block of the model reflects the essence of the fundamental approaches (communicative, resource-based, synergetic and reflection strategies approach), which formed the basis for developing our authorial methodology for the formation of anglophone strategic competence of future interpreters. The content-oriented block of the model involves the formation of certain components of the structure of interpreters’ strategic competence through the implementation of the three blocks of exercises, which are to be done by the students, and which constitute the authorial subsystem of exercises and tasks. The result-oriented element of the model determines the levels, criteria and correspoding indicators of the formation of the anglophone strategic competence of future interpreters.


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