



model curriculum, competency-based approach, competence, key competencies, expected results, types of educational activities, language and literary educational industry, state standard, New Ukrainian School


The study deals with the competence approach as the basis for the educational reform of the New Ukrainian School, in part, analyzes regulatory, legal and scientific approaches to comprehension of competency-based learning. The implementation of the competence approach is examined on the example of model curricula “Ukrainian language. Grades 5-6” for general secondary education institutions on the basis of which philology teachers devise their working curricula of the discipline “Ukrainian Language”, bilingual or integrated courses. Comparative analysis of model curricula declares their correspondence to the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education and the implementation of the competence direction of the language and literary scope of education. It is pointed out that the key parts of the curricula contain result, content and activity components. The advantages of each of the analyzed curricula are described. It is proved that the competence direction of programs is realized through the effectiveness and activity components. The expected learning outcomes demonstrate the level of language proficiency and cross-cutting competence skills. More to the point, the types of educational activities proposed in the programs make it possible to utilize theoretical language knowledge to explicate the phenomena of reality and solve life problems. In both programs, the applied nature of language education is strengthened, its reorientation to the activity dimension is expressed. The authors include working in groups, executing projects, processing information from print and digital sources, critically understanding it and using it for communication. Its adaptability to the practical needs of philology teachers has been expressed. It is justified that model curricula are a tool for introducing the fundamental ideas of the competence approach in daily educational practice. 


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