



competence approach, technology of teaching algebra, mathematical competence


The article deals with the problem of the implementation of a competence approach to teaching algebra to primary school students. The National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021, the State Standard for Basic and Complete Secondary Education, and the Math Education Program for pupils 5-9 forms discuss and state the main ways and means of reforming the educational process in a general education school. According to the contents of these normative documents one of the strategic directions of education development in Ukraine is “modernization of the structure, content and organization of education on the basis of a competence approach”. Priorities, goals, tasks, principles and functions of competence-oriented learning are defined, the final result of which must be the formation of certain competencies as the ability of students to successfully act in educational and life situations and be responsible for their actions. Based on a wide range of scientific works dedicated to the study of the problem of the introduction of competence approach in the educational process, the author defines the contradiction between the level of modern requirements for graduates of secondary schools and the real practice of teaching school course of Mathematics, the main direction of which is the direction of the learning process to the formation of pupils’ subject mathematical competence and special subject mathematical competences. Subject mathematical competence is the quality of an individual, which is formed and developed in the process of teaching Mathematics at a secondary school and combines a conscious need for mathematical knowledge, an understanding of their value for the development of human society and each student in particular, the motivation for the implementation of educational mathematical activity, mathematical knowledge, skills, defined by the curriculum in mathematics, the experience of mathematical activity, the ability to self-control and self-evaluation in the process of learning activities, greediness to successfully solve problems and challenges in training and life situations that require mathematical knowledge and methods of learning. At the level of basic school, special subject mathematical competences are determined by the state standard of basic and full secondary education and the curriculum on algebra for 5 – 9th formers. These include computational, procedural, graphical, logical, and practical oriented mathematical competences. The article presents the results of comparative analysis of traditional and competence oriented teaching Algebra on the basis of technological approach. The content of the terms “pedagogical technology”, “traditional education”, “competence oriented learning” has been disclosed.  The paper presents definition of the concept of the technology of competence teaching algebra to students of a secondary school as a pedagogical system. Based on systemic, axiological, personal activity, and competence approaches, using means of IT technologies, the given system is aimed at forming the subject mathematical competence, as well as special subject mathematical competences. As a result of analysis and comparison of traditional and competence oriented processes of teaching algebra to primary school students, a conclusion was made, that training based on a competence based approach does not reject traditional teaching, and can only be  built on its basis.


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