



digital competence, innovative technologies in education, future teacher, professional training, digital skills


The article analyzes the current research of the future teachers’ training in the context of the problems of using innovative technologies in the professional activities. The author concludes that the digital competence of future teachers is an important component of vocational training. In the modern world, the information, presented in the digital format, is the main direction of structural reforms in many countries. The aim of the article is to highlight and characterize the modern requirements of the formation of digital competence of future teachers in the process of professional training in institutions of higher education in Ukraine. The international requirements for digital competence of citizens in an educational context have been characterized. Digital competence indicators of teachers include knowledge, skills and abilities to use online tools creatively while respecting proper rules of ethical behavior on the Internet. The importance of the formation of digital competence, as a vital skill of the personality, in the professional training of future specialists has been proved. In the context of the study, digital skills of a teacher in the 21st century have been highlighted. They should be based on the free and appropriate using of various opportunities in the process of professional activity, inherent in computer services and online technologies. The use of digital technologies in the educational process contributes to the independent cognitive activity of students and the organization of the effective interaction between its participants. Innovative technologies allow students to solve the tasks, which are as close as possible to the reality. The author defines the concept of “digital competence of future teachers” as the ability of a personality to use, select expediently and interact with digital technologies in pedagogical activity, which gives the chance to involve students in training and to cooperate effectively with all participants of educational process. Digital competence of future teachers is an important component of their professional activity, which will contribute to the effective using of innovative technologies in teaching. Owing to the modern information technologies, computer services and online technologies are widely introduced and used in the educational process.


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