



quality, higher education, educational process, system, institutional model, institution of higher education


The article outlines the main trends in the education quality management at the pedagogical university which include the existence of clear prospects for development, the construction of an institutional model of the quality management in the system of education, the availability of the system for making management decisions, their relationship with the development strategy of the institution, the involvement of all structural units in the process of managing the education quality in higher education establishments.
The institutional model of education quality management in Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University has been grounded, which covers the development and improvement of quality maintenance procedures, the implementation of the main provisions and the program of measures to improve the quality of educational process and the quality of higher education corresponding to the ESG Standards and taking into account the methodological recommendations for the construction of the institutional structure of the internal system for ensuring the quality of educational process and the higher education quality in higher education establishments.
Implementation of the policy of quality assurance in education and training process at TNPU (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University) includes planning of education quality (definition of strategy, policy, goals and requirements for the quality of higher education); development and updating of the normative and methodical basis for quality assurance in educational process; preparation of proposals, recommendations for improving the internal system of quality assurance; coordination of the work of structural units of the University on the quality of educational process and the quality of higher education; participation of student self-government bodies, external and internal stakeholders in these processes.
It is proved that functioning of the institutional model of the system of quality management in educational process at TNPU (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University) is realized through the implementation of appropriate measures. Normative documents that regulate the structure, principles and procedures of the system of internal quality assurance at the university have been developed; students, employers, leading scholars and practitioners have been involved in participating in educational process and developing content, review and improvement of educational programs. An integrated system for monitoring the quality of educational process has been created, mechanisms for preventing and detecting academic plagiarism in the academic work of the teaching staff and students are being applied effectively.
Today the university develops and improves the requirements for the system of quality assurance in education, focusing on the main goals of higher education; has a transparent mechanism for developing, monitoring and revising educational programs that contain specific goals focused on learning outcomes and competencies; adheres to clear rules for organizing the educational process; has the necessary resources to carry out educational process and support students; carries out effective quality management in educational process and higher education.


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