



communication, interaction, education, education paradigm, information, massage, intercourse, subjects of interaction


The article focuses on the necessity of reforming the system of education in Ukraine taking into account modern tendencies in the development of science and mentality. It has been paid attention on the necessity of new education paradigm creation, in which the reference point is communicative component as the unifying factor of interaction between linear and nonlinear study systems, education and development and other socio-cultural systems. It has been proved that modern studies of problem questions in the sphere of education directly or indirectly are related with the communicative process, which provides not just information exchange (its coding and decoding), interchange of positions, interests and views of communication participants, complicity on solving pedagogical tasks etc., but also the transformation of social consciousness and value-personal orientations. It has been conceptually analyzed communication as phenomenon of interaction in the context of new education paradigm. The scientific discourse of the notion “communication”has beenstudied, it hasbeen accentuated on its etymological analysis. It has been found the polysemy of the term “communication”, which is interpreted as connection, joining, massage, information, intercourse, relаtions, transfer etc., but the idea of unity, association, involvement, connection is a key for determining notions “communication” and “intercourse”. The definitions of the term “communication” through the prism of interaction as universal unifying factor of any systems or system elements have been outlined, its various modes in the context of theories, traditions and models have been considered. It has been defined the peculiarities of the specific form of communication, common in the modern academic educational space: the virtual one. According to its nature virtual communication – dialogical, interactive, nonlinear and global – makes possible the process of transfer information instantly and in different directions. It has been emphasized that in the process of virtual interaction any communicant can be also the sender, and the addressee, and the recipient, and the moderator, and the observer consistently and simultaneously, communicating on Logic of the Network. It has been established that the key problem in formation democratic principles of the personal oriented pedagogy is the sphere of interpersonal interaction of teachers and students (pupils): overcoming contradictions as a result of coordinating the actions of participants in the educational process, which are subordinated to the general purpose, by converging different positions, views, beliefs, interests etc. It has been generalized the understanding of communication as a universal principle of interaction, according to which modern systems of culture, including education, are reconstructed. It has been proved that the process of formation new communicative education system will be effective only on the condition of the interaction of communicative theories, models, traditions and innovations, specific forms of communication, which are character to the modern informational epoch. As a result of the analysis of a wide range of scientific literature on communication and special pedagogical one, in which the role of communicative strategies in the construction of the latest education paradigm is actualized, it has been emphasized that communication itself as a system-based factor of multi-vector interaction of system elements, combining the experience of natural and humanitariansciences, disciplines processes of education and self-education, synchronizes theory and practice, optimizes pedagogical action by harmonization interpersonal relationships, aligns ambivalent personal and interpersonal intentions in the universal integrated sphere – the communicative space.


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