



interdisciplinarity, holistic world view, picture of the world, future teachers of art and humanities


The issue of interdisciplinarity in the modern educational space has been viewed as its organizational principle ensuring that the organization of the educational process complies with the requirements for the development of vision of a holistic picture of the world and personal world view. It has been shown that interdisciplinarity has a wider potential for education and science and can be determined as the methodological basis for research conducted in terms of polyparadigmity. The phenomenology of interdisciplinarity characterizing it through the indications of communicativeness, scientific and semantic role, synergy, personal and world view orientation, and research potential has been revealed. The pedagogical conditions guiding an individual to the independent use of interdisciplinarity in the context of phenomenological features related to the formation of a holistic world view have been presented. It has been shown that pedagogical conditions are introduced on the basis of several interdisciplinary content lines that provide a rhizomatic interdisciplinary model of education: artistic content line uniting integrated programs in art, a professional art form, cultural studies, and folk art; humanitarian content line combining aesthetics, ethics, cultural studies, and even economics with artistic culture and a professional art form, based on multiculturalism as well; professional and pedagogical content line combining psychological, pedagogical, and physiological knowledge of art education and humanities with creativity and pedagogical skills of the teacher; personal and acmeological content line uniting the content concept of creative development and self-realization on the basis of interdisciplinary connections that intensify the way of achieving creative success; experimental and methodological content line combining scientific knowledge and research methodology with the study of art itself and the phenomena of art education. The essence of interdisciplinary thinking as a rhizomatic model for exploring polymodal information sources has been clarified. The phenomenology of interdisciplinarity and the ways of its disclosure, such as the activation of research intentions relating to the content lines of the professional field of knowledge, the development of constructive interdisciplinary content and its introduction into the self-study tasks bank, reliance on the experience of students acquired beyond the learning in an informal way have been explored. The effectiveness of the application of the artistic, humanitarian, professional and pedagogical, personal and acmeological, experimental and methodological lines of interdisciplinary synthesis has been confirmed.


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