



проектні уміння, студенти-хореографи, констатувальний експеримент


The article reveals the specifics of the projects method use in the practice of teaching choreographic art. The authors carried out the analysis of the studies devoted to the problem of using the project method in training future arts, in particular, choreography teachers. The emphasis is placed on the pedagogical orientation of the project activity of choreography students in higher educational institutions. The paper presents the description of the concept “project skills of choreography students”, which is considered in the plane of two interrelated directions. The first one is the ability to independently carry out choreographic projects, and the second one is the ability to apply project skills in pedagogical activity. Taking into consideration the peculiarities of the pedagogical and choreographic activity of the future head of the dance group, appropriate project skills were distinguished, namely: the ability to clearly formulate pedagogical goal, to choose relevant methods and to know diagnostic procedures; to create an integral composition of the project event according to the logic of the choreographic composition, to distribute roles and tasks according to the figurative and drama idea; to select high-quality choreographic material, to be able to evaluate its artistic and aesthetic values and pedagogical potential; to focus on implementing the idea of the project, conducting all organizational procedures for achieving the goal; to select relevant artistic and informational support for the planned project, to understand the essence of key concepts, thesaurus, to use them in accordance with the genre and content of the project event or local mini-project; to work in a team, to carry out communicative actions, to involve others in activity and communication; to independently find original solutions to organizational, creative, compositional tasks; to combine the possibility of creative self-expression with the tasks of creative development of others; to present the project and conduct a critical analysis of the implementation of projective actions and results obtained, the implementation of an adequate self-esteem.The methods of diagnosing choreography students’ project skills are substantiated as an important component of future teacher’s – the head of the choreographic team’s – professional competency. The article describes the elaborated criterial apparatus of research, consisting of such criteria as: cognitive, motivational and communicative, creative and activity-based, results and presentation-based. Each criterion is supplemented by an optimal number of indicators, the degree of their manifestation determines the level of students’ project skills. The empirical research methods were substantiated in regard to each criterion and its indicators. According to the cognitive criterion, the level of projection skills was revealed by the methods of questioning, interrogating, testing, conversation, interviewing; according to the motivational and communicative criterion – by the methods of observation, diagnostics, projects modification, dialogue; according to the creative and activity-based criterion – these were creative tasks, independent development of projects; according to the results and presentation-based criterion, these were methods of presentation, assessment of independent judges, interviews, tasks for reflection. The average arithmetic mean of the points received by each choreography student was determined over all stages of the summative experiment. The authors conducted analysis of the obtained data and described the results of the existing level of developed project skills of choreography students in the experimental group.


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