



pedagogical competencies, students, self-directed work, innovative approaches, dual education, plenary practice, pedagogical practice


The article considers the expediency and necessity of attracting of students’ self-directed work to the practice of the future art teacher training in order to form pedagogical competencies, innovative approaches to the organization of self-directed study, namely: stimulation of students' interest in self-improvement, humanistic orientation of innovative processes. The expediency of  involving the self-directed work into the practice of higher educational establishment is regulated by higher education official documents; the specifics of the organization of the educational process in higher educational institutions; the need to teach students to work independently on the research of scientific problems, to acquire skills in order to attract knowledge, skills and abilities in their further professional activities, and in other areas of life. The current state of the level of research of the problem is characterized: scientific investigations are connected with the current state of implementation of self-directed work in the responsibilities of higher educational establishments. Based on the analysis of scientific publications, the factors contributing to the effectiveness of students' self-directed work are the following: the components of self-directed work, the forms of self-directed work organization, the peculiarities of self-directed management, innovative forms of fine art future teachers’ professional competence, pedagogical conditions of the efficiency of self-directed work of students, content of higher education. The peculiarities of students self-directed activities has been analyzed to specific work programs developed for students of specialty 014.12 Secondary education (Fine Arts). The effectiveness of the development of student self-directed work during the plenary and pedagogical practice is provided by: student activity and creativity of in the realization of self-directed tasks on education courses; clearly set out the tasks of self-directed work taking into account the level of training and objectives of each training course; systematic control by the head of practice (current and final), his mentoring role.


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