



nonlinear approach in education, spiritual values, music folklore, calendar-ritual foklore, educational process, schoolchildren


Article studies nonlinear approach in modern school education system, which involves transition from the traditional pedagogical methods of learning to the newest one, such as nonlinear in order to create new model of personality. It characterizes the meaning of spirituality in works of scientists and the interpretation of the Christian traditions’, "higher" spiritual values, such as faith, hope, love, truth, art, creativity, sacrifice, etc., which define a person during his or her life. Roots of human values reach deep in the past and are based on honest work, moral and ethical principles in accordance with God’s Law and nature, connected not only with the past, cultural traditions, but also directed on present and future existance. Considered all mentioned above, research analizes influence of folk music heritage on the development of student's spiritual world and personality, based on considerable increase in national self-consciousness of people, and interest to traditions of folk music in Ukraine.Scientific research shows innovative pedagogical technologies of building students' spiritual values by means of music folklore with providing of a nonlinear approach in the organization of the educational process during musical-aesthetic classes and after class activities with pupils of secondary schools and out-of-school educational institutions. The results of an experimental study conducted among children's creative teams of different ages to determine the effectiveness of music folklore influence on the formation of contemporary students’ spiritual values are presented.


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