
  • Nataliia SHATAILO



structural components, skills of image formation, junior teenagers, musical art


The paper suggests analysis of the studies which substantiate the structural components of forming teenage students’ skills in school and out-of-school practice of artistic education. The author determined the peculiarities of the componental structure of forming processes related to the skills of the image formation, namely: creative self-manifestation, visual activity, creative skills, creativity as a general creative ability. It was noted that when comprehending the componental structure of developing image formation skills, one should focus attention on the facets of artistic activity as the reflection of individual’s own “Self” through artistic images and their interpretation. The paper underlines the relevance of the sequential deployment of components of musical education content in the educational process, which includes musical experience, musical literacy, musical and creative development. The article also provides a summary concerning modeling of the creative process, the key to which is the artistic conception as a prototype of the “product” of the image and the result of individual’s artistic and figurative thinking. The emphasis is on the value-orientation component that regulates the needs and motivational effects of teenagers, the ability to understand and appreciate art. It is found that there is an interrelation between structural components of creativity (associative thinking, creative imagination, artistic observation, artistic self-manifestation) and formation of skills of the image creation. The author reveals the basic directions of the process of forming junior teenagers’ image-formation skills. The first of these is related to the operational processes of thinking, in particular, artistic thinking (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.), which involves generating in the minds the images taken from the previously acquired experience of teenagers, the emergence of associations, ideas based on cultural erudition and the availability of basic artistic thesaurus. The second one involves the ability to draw parallels between artistic images of different types of art and reality by synthesizing new images. It is the skills to interpret the imagery of artistic works in the process of art-integrated activity which is also extremely important for the implementation of the educational process. The third direction depends directly on the emotional and sensory perception and interpretation of artistic images. Realization of this direction involves artistic and figurative comprehension of an artistic work and revealing a personal attitude toward it. Therefore, emotional sensual and intellectual process of image formation is caused by value judgments (ethical, aesthetic, spiritual). The fourth direction is realized through forming in younger teens the ability to apply various image formation means and is characterized by a multivariability of the methods of artistic and creative self-manifestation. On the basis of the analyzed studies, the structural components of the process of forming junior teenagers’ skills in the music lessons were determined, in particular: figurative and operational, figurative and synthesizing, emotional and value-oriented, productive and activity-based. It was noted that these components have their own structure and logic of construction, they are characterized by internal unity and relative autonomy.


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