



reading, reading competence, professionally oriented competence, individualization


The special training of a specialist who can successfully solve professional tasks, is ready to perform professional functions in the Ukrainian-language environment as well as in foreign-language environment is important. Foreign language learning has become an integral and important component of professional training. The topicality of the problem of English reading competence formation is determined by the need of its research in the context of the competence approach: it is necessary to determine the structure of English-language reading competence, to specify the objectives of its formation among future religious scholars, to define the stages of formation of English reading competence. The purpuse of the article is to characterize the psycholinguistic peculiarities of English-language professionally oriented reading competence of future religious scholars. Mastering the scientific knowledge about religion is a necessary condition for the growth of culture and education of a specialist of any profile. The growing amount of professionally directed foreign-language information puts future religious scholars in front of the need to work out a large volume of professional information. Reading as a receptive speech process requires students’ active mental activity to obtain the necessary information from the text. Reading texts perform a number of educational functions, among which the function of knowledge enrichment, the function of training, the function of the oral speech development and the function of the notional perception text development. Professionally oriented reading is an effective method of obtaining additional knowledge concerning the chosen profession. One of the main grounds for the effectiveness of the learning process of professionally oriented reading is the implementation of an individual approach to students. Future religious scholars must have competence in the areas of professional and situational communication, and the process of formation of professionally oriented competence of the future religious scholars is defined as the development of activity of foreign language competence not only in everyday, general business, but also in professional situations. A rationally built system of teaching reading a foreign language helps to solve practical, educational and developmental tasks.


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