



professionally oriented speaking competence, information-communicative competence, future teachers, the English language, stages, system of exercises


The feasibility of integrated formation of professionally oriented speaking competence and information-communicative competence of future English teachers has been grounded in the article. Communicative, sociocognitive, integrated approaches have been determined as the methodological foundation of the formation of the above mentioned competences. The analysis of existing services and programs showed that for teaching speaking of future English teachers the following ones can be used – YouTube, Google Hangouts, Google Classroom, Skype. The feasibility of using WebQuests for forming the target competences has been proved. It has been concluded that the most effective are the WebQuests that 1) presuppose information search and its analysis, 2) are aimed at solving the problem by collecting and analyzing information; 3) include role play which helps to solve the problem set. Three stages of integrated formation of professionally oriented speaking competence and information-communicative competence of future English teachers (introductory (if necessary) aimed at teaching students to work with the service or program which will be used at the next stages; preparatory, which presupposes introduction of new information via some service (for example, Moodle); basic, aimed at developing skills in dialogues and monologues) have been determined. Information-communicative competence is purposefully formed simultaneously with the formation of professionally oriented speaking competence. The suggested system of exercises corresponds to the determined stages and consists of seven groups of exercises aimed at developing reading, listening, writing skills, creating verbal signposts and using them in speaking, producing a correctly and logically structured argumentative utterance, developing monlogical and dialogical skills. The examples of exercises have been given in the article. The effectiveness of the suggested system of exercises has been proved experimentally. Further research should focus on the integrated formation of professionally oriented writing competence and information-communicative competence of future English teachers.


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