



professional English language competence, professional English language speaking competence, future software engineers


The article deals with the present state of the English language teaching of technical students. The author states some of the principal differences between the language learning processes at technical universities to compare them with the ones in other types of universities. In particular, the lack of learning hours is mentioned. The author draws special attention to teaching speaking in English of future software engineers. The article describes future software engineers’ needs for the English language including their ability to carry on negotiations with software clients, to lead discussions with colleagues and software users, to give presentations at the conferences. It is noticed that the present tendency in teaching English of future software engineers is represented in competence approach which, in its turn, means practically-centered learning. The main purpose of this approach is to make students gain a set of competences, which will allow them to fulfill professional tasks using foreign language. In this connection, the article draws attention to several points of view of different scientists on the definition of professional English language competence; its components are being discussed. It is stated that the majority of scientists agree on pointing out linguistic (language) competence, sociolinguistic (linguosociocultural) competence, professional (or subject matter) competence and strategic (educational strategic) competence. The author provides her own definition of «professional English language speaking competence of future software engineers». The author highlights the following components of professional English language speaking competence of future software engineers: linguistic competence, sociolinguistic competence, subject matter competence, psychological competence and strategic competence. Some examples of linguistic, sociolinguistic, subject matter, psychological and strategic (educational strategic) competences are described by the author. It is specified that linguistic competence is formed as the integrity of phonetic, lexical and grammatical aspects. It is noted that students of technical universities don’t have the course of phonetics. Lexical aspect is rather significant for future software engineers namely because of the knowledge of terms. The use of grammar can be described as the use of generally Simple tenses in Active 


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