


motivation, professional training, competitive professional, professional in municipal economy, scientific and methodic system, needs-motivation component


The article focuses on the role of motivation in developing competitiveness of future professionals of municipal economy. On the basis of literature analysis, the role of motivation for developing the needs-andmotivation component of future professionals of municipal economy is substantiated, the scientific and methodical system used for its improvement is described. The analysis of the scientific literature is used to prove that the majority of the authors register motivation as a precondition for a successful professional realization, in particular, the motivation for achievement. This type of motivation involves a desire to get a success, high results in the activity that organizes an integral behavior, increases the proactive attitude of the individual, and affects the formation of the goal and the choice of the ways to achieve it. It is demonstrated that professional orientation of the personality, which is displayed mainly by a developed approach for professional fulfillment and awareness of its value, is also significant for training of the competitiveness of a future professional. The needsand- motivation component of competitiveness is defined, which involves a high motivation of students as for the professional activity, motivation for achievement, an adequate level of accomplishment; shapes the need for a successful work and recognition of performance. The pilot survey conducted for the students majoring in the field of municipal economy demonstrates that the needs-and-motivation component is insufficiently formed and should be trained using a specially designed scientific and methodical system. The following reasons are defined for the lack of a developed competitiveness: 1) insufficient motivation for training in order to have a professional fulfillment; 2) insufficient motivation to be successful in the profession; 3) lack of awareness of the students about the significance of acquiring professional experience; 4) lack of awareness of the need to acquire a high level of professionally relevant competencies and personal qualities. Trainings for enhancing the motivation potential of the students, in particular, work with a motivational dictionary, a gradual training on setting goals and their successful achievement as well as trainings on stimulating motivation for educational activities were conducted. The results of the control testing register a significant increase in the motivation criterion of professional achievement, in particular, in the indexes of motivation for professional training, motivation for success and need for achievement, which proves the effectiveness of the types and forms of the scientific and methodical system for training competitiveness of the future professionals of municipal economy.


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