


differentiated instruction, future IT-specialists, English for Specific Purposes, exercises system, dialogue, learning style, level of foreign language proficiency


This century is determined as the century of active development and dominance of information technologies (IT). Such a tendency is reflected in the demand for qualified IT-specialists in the world market. Therefore it requires their qualitative training, the part of which is mastering foreign language competence. A promising step to solve the problem is the introduction of differentiated instruction of English for specific purposes, the practical implementation of which is associated with the development of the system of exercises to the future IT-specialists. In this article, we will focus on the development of exercises system for dialogical speech. In this connection, the research of scientists dedicated to the topic of the development of exercises system for the differentiated teaching dialogical speech is considered. The definition of "the system of exercises for differentiated teaching English dialogue for specific purposes" is presented. The functional types of dialogues for the future IT-specialists, such as questioning, exchange of views, discussion, are outlined. The stages of formation of English-language competence in dialogical speech are highlighted. The exercises system for differentiated instruction of English for specific purposes in dialogical speech to the future IT-specialists is described. Within the system of exercises, there has been determined a subsystem of exercises for the formation of dialogical speech sub-skills (phonetic, lexical and grammatical) and a subsystem of exercises for the development and improvement of dialogical speech skills (for mastering dialogical unions, minidialogues, various functional types of dialogue). The appropriate exercise groups are defined in two subsystems. There have also been defined types of exercises. There are reflected tasks of different complexity levels (sufficient level of difficulty and an increased level of difficulty) that correspond to different levels of foreign language proficiency. The preferred student’s learning styles are also taken into account. The examples of exercises for different groups of differentiated instruction of English for specific purposes in dialogical speech are presented.


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