


bibliotherapy, pedagogical bibliotherapy, key competences, training future teacher of primary school


The priority of modern education is the formation of the key student’s competencies to ensure his/her successful self-realization in learning and life. The potential of pedagogical books seems especially significant now when the concept of a new Ukrainian school has been introduced where the emphasis on the book importance, its educative, educational and therapeutic functions in the educational process of the primary school is stated. At the same time a junior pupil feels extremely high psychological and informational load related to the big amount of information. It becomes actual to use a qualitatively new technology on the initial stage of education such as pedagogical bibliotherapy. Pedagogical bibliotherapy is the branch of psychological and pedagogical knowledge that deals with healing effect of the books on the human psyche spicifically cathartic influence of the informational and spiritual harmony on the individual. The main purpose of the pedagogical bibliotherapy is to update the personality-ideological position of the pedagogical process’s subjects; create a psychological comfortable educational environment and develop an optimistic view of life and change children’s reactions to a situation that affects their emotional and sensitive sphere by expanding their experiences and feelings. The purpose of the article is to ground theoretically the importance of training future of primary school teachers to form the key competences of junior schoolchildren by pedagogical bibliography means. The professional training aims at improving the facilitator, coach and mentor’s roles of a teacher that will ensure the introduction of such new technologies that are particular relevant for today’s pedagogical science. The future teachers’ professional training should aim not only at the learning knowledge of general professional and occupational courses, but also at promoting the ideas of child-centeredness in the upbringing a highly educated, responsible citizen and patriot. The article’s purpose is the theoretical substantiation of the preparation of future primary school teachers to the key competences’ formation of primary pupils by means of pedagogical bibliotherapy.The psychological and pedagogical potential of pedagogical bibliotherapy is realized due to the books and reading healing influence on the inner world, emotions and values of a person. Specific methods and techniques are implemented in the future teachers’ professional activities. The necessity of systematic work of all participants in combination with the use of pedagogical bibliotherapy which contributes to life skills formation, spiritual development and creative growth is determined. The future teacher of the first school grade should be not only professionally trained for academic activity but also be aware of new scientific knowledge and advanced technologies, be able to solve professional tasks creatively, have flexible, dynamic and open-minded thinking.


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