


grammatical competence, productive grammatical skills, subsystem of exercises, prospective teachers, second foreign language


The article deals with the problem of developing the a subsystem of exercises for forming productive grammatical competence of prospective teachers learning English after German through independent work activities. The importance of transfer based on previously acquired knowledge and skills in German and its influence on the process of forming prospective teachers’ English grammatical competence has been emphasized. The necessity to consider this factor when developing exercises for independent work has been shown. The principles of developing the subsystem of exercises for forming productive grammatical competence have been identified. The requirements the exercises should meet have been analyzed and the stages of the process of forming grammatical competence (preparatory, stereotypical and variational) have been identified in the process of designing the subsystem of exercises. The suggested subsystem of exercises includes three groups of exercises corresponding to the stages of the grammatical competence forming. The types of exercises in each group have been specified. The examples of exercises have been provided in the article. All groups of exercises provide tasks for the development of prospective teachers’ contrastive skills to identify similar phenomena in the systems of English and German languages, as well as for the development of reflection in the process of comparing speech phenomena on the one hand and the results of learning on the other. The third group of exercises engages communicative tasks. The presented subsystem is an instrument for organizing independent work of students with grammatical material.


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