


communicative-strategic competence, communicative strategies, tactics, foreign language, initial stage


The article substantiates the need for the formation of abilities to apply communication strategies in teaching foreign language students at an initial stage, to form strategic competence integrated with textual and communicative ones. A competent speaker must be able to choose the leading communicative strategy aimed at achieving a communicative goal (in productive speech) and adequate perception and interpretation of the communicative purpose (in speech reception). The existing views on the content and composition of communicative-strategic competence are analyzed, the author's approach to the understanding of this concept is substantiated: the need for the differentiation of educational-strategic and communicative-strategic competence is determined. Communicative and strategic competence is defined as a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, ability and willingness to use communication strategies in order to achieve the necessary perlocative effect in the process of communicative interaction. The communicative-strategic competence is proposed to be considered in correlation with the pragmatics of speech (as the ability to use communicative strategies and implement them using a system of tactics, verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal communication means). It is substantiated that at the initial stage of studying the German language students of philology must master the informative strategy in monologue speech (within the monologue-narrative and monologue description), informative, regulativeinducing and conventional strategies in dialogical speech (in the framework of dialogue-questioning, dialogue - exchange of views, dialogue-agreement) and strategies for interpreting and understanding the intentions of the interlocutor, the content, the meaning of the statement (in listening and reading: communication tactics of reading and listening to co-authors is subjected to varieties of these types of speech activity), groups of tactics (communication tactics - messages, commentary, illustrations of tactics of language use, compensatory tactics - tactics of the selection of lexical and grammatical material, its previous repetition, the use of speech cliches, the use of fillers of silence, monitoring the success of oral utterance with the help of gestures, facial expressions, actions of the listener, paraphrase, the formation of derivative words, the use of internationalisms, the selection of synonymous lexical grams tional units; the use of nonverbal means - gestures, facial expressions, affective tactics - remission, anxiety reduction, breathing exercises, contrastive tactics - the choice of ways of communication, linguistic means, typical linguistic formulas, intonational patterns, rules of courtesy, inherent in a foreign language culture, the use of non-verbal means of communication specific to foreign language linguistic culture), verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal means of implementation of these strategies.


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