


future philologists, grammatical structures selection, grammatical difficulties, objects of study, methodological typology


The article is devoted to the problem of selection and methodological typology of language material for teaching future philologists the grammatical aspect of written communication. It is emphasized that to ensure the grammatical accuracy of students’ writing it is necessary to include into the process of study specially selected grammatical structures taking into consideration their degree of difficulty. The purpose of the article is to define the criteria for selection of the grammatical structures of the genres of written communication studied during the first year and to develop the methodological typology of the selected structures. According to the Curriculum, the first year students have to acquire the linguistic skills necessary for writing letters and instructions, which determines the selection of authentic texts of various genres (informal letter, formal letter, instruction). In the result of the authentic texts analysis three groups of grammatical structures peculiar to each genre have been selected according to the criteria of frequency, practical necessity, and structural modelling. The selected structures can be regarded as objects of study which permits to define skills necessary for grammatically accurate writing. The conclusion has been made that to increase the effectiveness of study it is necessary to differentiate the grammatical structures according to the level of difficulty. This differentiation can be carried out on the basis of the methodological typology of the selected grammatical structures. To specify the methodological typology students’ errors and mistakes have been analyzed and grammatical difficulties have been pointed out. The comparison of the grammatical difficulties of the students with the language material selected from the authentic texts permits to identify the degree of difficulty of each grammatical structure. Thus, selection and methodological typology of grammatical materials allow us to identify the objects of study and students’ skills essential for successful writing.


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