


prospective pharmacists, English lexical competence in reading and speaking, self-directed study, subsystem of exercises, stages, principles


The article grounds the main principles of developing prospective pharmacists’ English lexical competence in reading and speaking through self-directed study: integrated development of lexical knowledge, skills and lexical awareness in reading and speaking (exercises should be directed to integrated development of all the components of lexical competence), profession-oriented learning (all the texts deal with the topics within the professional area, the main focus is made on professional terms, typical professional situations of intercultural communication), visualization (the vocabulary presented should be visualized to help students create mental pictures), consciousness (e.g., comparing to the corresponding terms in the languages of origin), development of students’ strategic awareness, considering lexical unit features. Stages of developing prospective pharmacists’ English lexical competence in reading and speaking through self-directed study have been determined: preparatory, which entails semantization of new lexical units and is divided into two sub-stages: the first – getting acquainted with new words out of context (should be applied only for professional terms), the second – getting acquainted with new words in context and building strategic awareness; training – implies automatizing students’ actions with new lexical units on the levels of a word, word combination, phrase, sentence, suprasegmental unit; usage – activating students’ actions with new lexical units on the text level. A subsystem of exercises for developing prospective pharmacists’ English lexical competence in reading and speaking through self-directed study has been worked out. It contains three groups of exercises which correlate with the stages and are subdivided into subgroups.


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